Fee Rules (Private Schools)

Accordingly, the Government of Balochistan vide notification No.SO.(Dev.)3-68 ) Edu:/2021/68595 dated August 20, 2021 notified Fee Regulatory Committee with the following composition:

  • Director Operations, BEF
  • District Education Officer (DEO) of the Concerned District
  • Deputy Director (M&E), BEF

The first meeting of Fee Regulatory Committee (FRC) was held on October 06, 2021 in Bureau of Curriculum Shahwak Shah road, Quetta where fee of private schools was discussed and decision pertaining to the same were taken. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 17 of the Balochistan Private Educational Institution Registration & Regulation Athority (BPEIRRA) Act, 2015, the Fee Regulatory Committee (FRC) is pleased to make the following rules pertaining to fee of Private Educational Institutions

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